Sunday 20 April 2014


"Stop treating us like samples a grocery store" - 

Sometime last week during my routine twitter procrastination sessions, I scrolled across the tag '#creepywhiteguys'. At a first glance it is understandable why many would have been taken aback by what seemed like an open hatred fest against the white male, but, after reading a few of the tweets it became clear to me that this was nothing of the sort. Through this tag numbers of women had opened up a new world to many twitter users, of all races, sharing their experiences with white men as women of colour. However this didn't stop twitter's very own pathetic parties hauling useless claims of 'reverse-racism' or 'oppression of the white male' into the trending tag (glee). Racism and sexism are two corresponding issues in our society which have, to an extent, been normalised. What many people fail to recognise is that we live in a white-male dominated society, and therefore it is non-white women, trans and non trans, who are the most oppressed.

Tuesday 15 April 2014


Petra Collins
I know it may come as a surprise to some, but I spent quite a large proportion of my childhood at my mother's breast; whether I was sucking or snuggling, there was a 12/10 chance that that's where I'd be. Little did I know that I, as little as I was, had a front row seat at one of the world's sexiest sites - that I spent everyday at the eighth wonder of the world. Watching her blouse unbutton did thrill me, there's no denying that, but it was more because I knew food was coming - not because of a lustful leak in my diaper. Now, aged 15 I sit with set of my own and wonder, what is so sexy about my chest chums? 

Friday 4 April 2014


Feminism is a foreign concept to many teenagers in today’s society. In many cases the movement fails to actually move a younger audience as it is only seen as relevant to grown women, if it's lucky enough considered to be relevant at all. I mean, borderline misandrist, middle-aged women with razor sharp tongues and not-so razored (you get what I mean) armpits are hardly welcoming invites to your local pussy power party?